A few days ago, Indian Government banned a total of 118 Chinese Apps – including Pubg Mobile. Right after that, Akshay Kumar announced an upcoming game under his mentorship – FAU-G. In between all these things, the makers of Pubg – Pubg Corporation – was completely silent. However, the silence has been broken today. They have finally issued a public statement to the ban of Pubg Mobile in India. The statement also includes the steps they’re taking for abiding by the rules and regulations of India. That even includes removal of Tencent Games from India. So, will Pubg Mobile make a comeback after removing Tencent Games from India?

pubg mobile ban

Well, the answer to that question isn’t that simple. Pubg Corporation is a subsidiary of Bluehole Studio. Even though the company is basically based in South Korea, the game was banned in India. And you might be wondering why, right? Well, that’s because a Chinese company – Tencent Games has made investments in the company.

Not only Tencent Games has made investments in Bluehole and Pubg Corporation, but it is also authorized to distribute and publish Pubg Mobile on Google Play Store and App Store. However, in the statement released by Pubg Corporation today, they have made it clear that they are unauthorizing Tencent Games from being a publisher for Pubg Mobile in India.

That solves a part of the problem but not the problem itself. While the publishing might be undertaken by Pubg Corporation in India, Tencent Games will still have a huge share in the company. That means, the voice of Tencent Games will still be able to affect some of the key decisions made by Pubg Corporation. As of now, Tencent Games is the second largest investor in Pubg Corporation.

pubg mobile ban

So, the Pubg Unban might not be as easy as it looks. Sure, there are chances that it’ll be unbanned in the future. But no one can be sure on how long it would actually take for the process to be completed. Pubg Corporation will have to work hand in hand with the Indian Government to make sure that the rules and regulations for privacy and security are strictly followed. And then, it might be able to return to the Indian Market – which is huge part of the global market.

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